Future Projects
The current focus of the Carbon Initiative team is to reduce our school’s consumption of energy and resources. We are researching measures such as automatic thermostats, centralized air conditioning, and, as a long-term goal, installing solar panels. We are also building an aquaponics system, which will allow the high school cafeteria to grow its own vegetables throughout the year, rethinking our food sources, and looking to reduce the carbon emissions from business travel. In creating construction plans for possibly moving both campuses to one, our group is working to become involved in working with the architects to use sustainable building materials to install carbon-neutral buildings all together, without the need to offset our construction footprint.
Rotkreuz Initiative
In addition to our international projects, we are looking into creating a carbon-sink project around Rotkreuz. In close proximity to the school, this supplies a multitude of academic opportunities to be used in science classes, in addition to generating community involvement in creating the sink ourselves.
sustainable farm
Another initiative currently being researched is the possibility of a sustainable farm on the primary and middle school campus. Here, we can experiment with Biochar, a charcoal used in addition to soil to help retain water and is ameliorant for carbon sequestration.
Rocket stove project
The Rocket Stove Initiative involves the distribution of 100,000 stoves to rural communities, ultimately affecting the lives of 2 million people. These stoves have both a higher efficiency than traditional wood-burning stoves and result in a more complete and cleaner combustion, reducing families’ annual carbon emissions. This project is in partnership with Jaideep Bansal and the Global Himalayan Expedition, also working to electrify rural villages in the Himilayas.